Creating an Email Account

Please view the updated version of this topic to learn how to create an email account in cPanel

Before you can use email, you must create the email account in cPanel.

How to Create an Email Account

  1. Log into cPanel
  2. Once logged into cpanel, click on the “Email Accounts” located in the Mail section of cPanel:
  3. That will open a screen so you can create a new email address. You should see the below screenshot. cPanel-add-email Fill in the fields, below is a description of what to enter:
    Email:This is the name of the account. This will be before the @ symbol in the email address.
    Password:This is the password you assign to the email account.
    Password (again):Re-type the password
    Mailbox Quota:Select the size of the mailbox you want to create.

    After entering your information in the fields, click the button labeled “Create Account

  4. Once the account has been created, you will see the following screen to verify the account was created.

Further Reading

Getting started with Email

Congratulations, now you know how to create an email account in cPanel. Please check the next article on Checking your Email Account. If you missed our previous article, please see the Email Introduction tutorial, which is part of our Introduction to Email class.

Migrating email from another host

If you’re in the process of transferring to InMotion Hosting from a different hosting provider, you may have emails that you want to copy to this email account you just created. We have a tutorial on how to accomplish that here.


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