Make Your Own WordPress CRM System

Make your own WordPress CRM system | InMotion Hosting

Business relationships need to be cultivated. You wouldn’t leave a friend stranded without any contact. Why treat your business contacts with any less respect?

There’s a plethora of tools designed specifically for customer relationship management (CRM). This is how important contacts are for businesses. A monomaniacal interest in crafting perfect customer communications is not a bad habit to develop, and the antecedent is good contacts.

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Using Evernote as a File System for Business and Productivity

The power of a reference file system often goes unappreciated. As any knowledge worker worth his salt will tell you, you can’t hold every bit of information you receive in your head. No matter how spacious your mind is, you will eventually forget something important or let a good idea slip away. This is where having a more rigorous file program can ease the load.

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Best Practices for Social Media Marketing in the Upcoming Year

Best Practices for Social Media Marketing in the Upcoming Year

These days, having a strong social media presence is no longer an option – it’s a necessity. According to research, 40% of young adults follow their favorite brands via social media. One in four of those users follows a brand from which they might make a purchase. With numbers like that, you just can’t afford to miss out. Continue reading –>

What is Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) and Why Should I Consider Using It?

Google Workspace rebrand

Are you looking for one of the most feature-rich and user-friendly solutions on the web that combines email, cloud storage, productivity software, calendars, and more? Does your business or organization need to collaborate through a single, unified experience? Do you hear people talking about how great they think Google’s products are? Do you find yourself wondering what is Google Workspace?

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2015: The Year of Productivity

9 Ways to be More ProductiveStaying productive is one of the most challenging things we face in our daily lives. Whether working or taking care of things at home, we are busier than ever. And while it may seem that every day a new tool is developed to help make our lives easier, sometimes these tools serve as more of a distraction than an aid. So let’s cast all distractions aside and make 2015 the year we commit to being more productive. Here is a list of 9 things to help you do just that.
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Introduction to Softaculous & cPanel

Our recent offering of the software “Softaculous” has probably left many of you wondering  what it is and how can it help you. Softaculous is a utility application within your cPanel used to help develop your  websites. It’s an auto installer program that comes with over 278 useful scripts and 1000 PHP Classes, any of which can be installed in just one step. In simpler terms, it’s a one-step method of installing useful apps, eCommerce solutions and CMSs to your website.
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