For anyone who has a blog with a decent amount of traffic, affiliate marketing is an easy way to generate some extra cash. All you need to do is drop a link on your site to a product or service you endorse, and you can get rewarded if people click on it and eventually make a purchase. Simple.
Continue reading –>Blogging
How To Create a Movie Review Site
When was the last time you saw a movie and instantly desired to share your opinion of it? If you know the difference between a smash cut and a jump cut, and you can spot the difference between a wide angle lens in The Shining and telephoto lens in The Graduate, then you’re a film critic and you need a website to start posting your articles on the web. If you work hard at it, pretty soon you may find yourself contributing to the Rotten Tomatoes score. Read on to find out how to create your site, get your writing published, and work your way toward becoming a bonafide tomato-throwing film critic. Continue reading –>
Comment Moderation and The Right To Be Forgotten
What’s your responsibility when it comes to moderating comments on your WordPress blog? If you’ve been following along with the InMotion Hosting blog, you probably have a great website that’s difficult to ignore. 😉
Continue reading –>Will You Be The Next Blog Superstar?
Compared alongside older telecom tech like email, blogs are still the new kid on the block, but they’ve gained a storied tradition and venerated practices held dear by many. There are as many different blogs as people who use them. And even in the age of social media supremacy, blogs remain a viable option for those have a message to share.
Continue reading –>How to Start Your Own Blog – Do it Yourself–It’s Easy
You may wonder what it’s like to be a professional blogger, but the problem is that you don’t know how to start a blog. You can only think of the perks: setting your own hours, being your own boss, and being able to work at home in your pajamas. But the “how to” part of the equation still eludes a lot of people. Well, don’t fear.
Continue reading –>Are You Doing Enough Research For Your Blog?
Here’s a question we hear often: “What kind of research do you do beyond just Google?” How much research is required for a blog post? The answer can vary greatly depending on what kind of blog we’re talking about.
Continue reading –>How to Use Emojis That Will Get You Seen
Emojis aren’t just for text messages anymore. 🙂
These days you’re likely going to see emoji icons popping up in email subject headings, blog posts, and even in printed media.
Continue reading –>You like lobsters? Check out how the lobster emoji has risen in popularity over the past few years. You gotta love these little crustaceans.
How the Speed of Your Website Impacts Your Business
Speed = money. At least when it comes to your website. Customers today aren’t willing to wait for anything – especially a slow load time. In fact, 40% of consumers report abandoning a website that took more than 3 seconds to pop-up. Yikes. Continue reading –>
Better Email Marketing: Newsletter Design Trends
Your newsletter represents your business. The way you design it matters, and it should be flexible based on your needs. We’ve compiled our list of favorite newsletter design trends to help you try something new on the path to building better email marketing. Continue reading –>
Should You Auto-Update Your WordPress Website?
Question: Should I setup my WordPress website to auto-update?
The security of your website is one of the most important responsibilities of owning a business. It’s imperative that you keep your website and its security measures updated since the types of attacks are always changing.
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