How to Add a Site to Sucuri

One of the first steps when using Sucuri is to add a new site. This allows you to monitor or scan the site. In this tutorial we will show you how to add a site to Sucuri.

Adding a Site to Sucuri

  1. Login to the Sucuri Admin Dashboard.
  2. Click the Add Site button.

  3. You will then see an “Add Sites for Monitoring” page. Enter the site domain names that you want to monitor, one per line. Sucuri advises “After adding a website, it will take a little while for it to be scanned for the first time (generally under 1 hr). You can find more information about the monitoring types on the Sucuri Monitoring options page.

  4. Click the Add Sites button.

  5. You will then see a Site Added message. You can then choose if you want to start a malware cleanup at this time.

Congratulations, now you know how to add a site to Sucuri!

John-Paul Briones Content Writer II

John-Paul is an Electronics Engineer that spent most of his career in IT. He has been a Technical Writer for InMotion since 2013.

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