When you create a database, many users are unaware that there are several other tasks that you need to do as well. The new database creation process actually involves:
- Creating a database
- Creating a database user
- Giving your database user access to work with your database
Luckily for us, cPanel includes a MySQL Database Wizard that walks you through each of these steps.
Creating a Database in cPanel Using the MySQL Database Wizard
- Log into your cPanel.
- Click the MySQL Database Wizard under the Databases heading.
- Next to New Database enter a name for your database and click Next Step.
- Next to Username enter a username.Enter a password next to Password, enter it again for Password (Again) and then click Create User.
- On the next page, you’ll assign privileges for the user to the database. Check the box next to All Privileges and then click Next Step.
WARNING: If you receive an error message regarding the limited number of databases available, you may consider upgrading your Business Class Hosting plan.
Congratulations! Now, you know how to successfully create a database.
I was having the same issue of the database not showing in phpMyAdmin after creating it in the wizard. This was solved by logging out and then logging back in to my inMotion account.
I’m sorry to see that it wasn’t working right away. I’m glad to see the issue was resolved the next time you logged in. Thanks for letting us know, your contribution to the community is appreciated!
i am also having issues showing two databases, how do i know wich one to delete
If you are hosting with InMotion Hosting, then please contact the live support team via ticket, phone call, or chat to get additional assistance with this issue. It may require further investigation with the live support team in order to determine the cause and provide a resolution.
When in my cPanel, it says I am using all of my MariaDB.
You are using your maximum allotment (2) of MariaDB/MySQL databases. If you want more, contact your service provider.
it then says my two databases are .26MB and .92MB. This is not alot of space. In fact I do not use databases at all since I’m not online yet.
Is this an issue for me??
Database usage is not based on size its based on the number of databases, Being maxed out on databases is not an issue for the performance of your sites however if you wanted to add another site to your account that needs a database you would need to remove one of the existing ones or upgrade your plan.
Hello Support Team,
If I have already created a MySQL database on my desktop (using the Oracle MySQL Community Edition software), how do I upload it to my account in In Motion Webhosting? I am new to web databases, but you will tools like forms, combo boxes, list boxes to illustrate my database information?
I have another question: – do you offer Microsoft Azure database services or MySQL for Visual Studio services.
Kind regards,
Laurence Hennis
Hello Laurence,
Oracle is a much different database than MySQL as its PAID version has a much more developed interface for management and development. The interface used in the Community version likely derives from this interface. You can do most if not all of the things you need from an SQL database using MySQL, but it will not have the same user interface as you’re familiar with in your previous client. For more information see the other articles on MySQL or check out Managing a MySQL Database in cPanel with PHPMyAdmin .
Hi! When connecting to the database using php, an error is returned: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in /home/bitcoi27/public_html/config.php:10 Stack trace: #0 /home/bitcoi27/public_html/test.php(1): require_once() #1 {main} thrown in /home/bitcoi27/public_html/config.php on line 10.
In phpMyAdmin, the database is created, but when checking the privilege, it shows that there are no privileges. Perhaps the reason is this. What should I do?
This looks like an issue with the mysql_connect function, which was no longer supported as of PHP version 7. You may want to use the Mysqli_connect instead.
Yes, I am having the same issue too. When I go to phpMYadmin, the database that I created does not show up either
Sorry for the problem with your database not appearing. This has been reported previously and it has been identified as a cPanel issue. Please report this problem to our live technical support team via a verified support ticket. The support team will need to identify your account in order to address the issue. An update may need to be applied to your account in order to resolve the problem.
I can not see the database after creating it. This appears to be the same issue as the person above was experiencing.
Initially I tried to just copy the database of my website and have it create the database while doing so. That reported an error so I deleted it and manually created with the same name and still couldn’t see it.
Sorry for the problem with your database not appearing. This has been reported previously and it has been identified as a cPanel issue. Please report this problem to our live technical support team via a verified support ticket. The support team will need to identify your account in order to address the issue.
Hello Support,
After following the provided steps above it creates a data base.
BUT AFTER THAT WHEN I GO TO PhpMyAdmin i can NOT find my data base.
using phpMyAdmin console and typing “show databases;”
it show the created database!!
I have to type its name in the url to use it and it never show in the left panel of phpmyadmin
SO do you have nay solutions it is annoying and can not handle it any more
I need URGENT solution so i can import my local database using phpMyadmin
Sorry to hear about the frustrations with the creation of the database and then seeing it in the phpMyAdmin. In order for us to troubleshoot it we would need more information about the account. Primarily, we would need the account name or primary domain. If you want to handle this issue privately, then please contact our live technical support team via phone/email/chat.