Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting

When you’re thinking of purchasing a web hosting plan, there are a wide variety of options. What type of hosting plan do you need? What qualities or features are most important for your business? When it comes to Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting, what’s right for you? Below, we’ll carry out a hosting plan comparison and look at both Shared Hosting and Virtual Private Server (VPS) plans.

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Cheap Hosting? What to Consider in a Hosting Plan

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There are a lot of factors to consider when you’re a small business owner setting up a website. You know that you need a hosting plan to get your website online, but what does that really mean? You may be tempted to take the first cheap hosting plan you find, throw a site online, and call it a day. If the only thing you look for is cheap hosting, instead of quality and affordable hosting, you’re making a mistake.

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What is a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and How Does it Work?

What is a Content Delivery Network Title Image

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is something of a ‘cure-all’ for solving various issues on your website. CDNs are said to improve everything from site speed and security to account bandwidth usage. How is it that one upgrade can affect so much of a site’s performance? It all comes down to what CDNs actually do: get your site’s static content physically closer to your site’s visitors by distributing that content to other servers.

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The Case for WordPress for Experienced Developers

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You’re experienced enough to build sites yourself with heavy duty frameworks like Django, Laravel, or Rails. You know how to custom code anything a site needs from scratch. If you’re an experienced developer, is it worth learning to use WordPress? Absolutely! For experienced developers, WordPress’s workflow is not a limitation but an opportunity to apply your skills to an in demand specialization. Continue reading –>