Email Marketing for Veterinary Clinics: Follow-Up Appointments

Email Marketing for Veterinary Clinics: Follow-Up Appointments

According to a survey conducted by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), more than one-third of the respondents claimed that they would be more likely to follow up with treatment for their pet if they received some kind of contact from the clinic staff. The majority of those respondents also expect to receive call-backs while only 52% actually receive these.

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Boost Your Newsletter – Top Quality Email Marketing Plugins for WordPress

Boost Your Newsletter – Top Quality Email Marketing Plugins for WordPress

You may think of newsletters as some kind of archaic fossil that arrived in the mail once a quarter only to be ignored and tossed in the trash. But newsletters have finally made it into the twenty-first century, and WordPress features several top-notch plugins that will help you use digital newsletters to market your product and services to a wide variety of people. Continue reading –>

Web Apps and Online Tools to Make a Designer’s Life Easy

Web design and development entails a huge variety of disciplines; from photo enhancement to code edits and having the tools to handle every possibility can become a  costly investment. However, there are a large number of free web development tools available  free for download or online, from photo editors to assimilated development applications that will help in the creation and design of a website. These are six free online web tools worth checking out, to assist your development suite of software. Continue reading –>