Can You Create an Anonymous Blog?

Can you create an anonymous blog?

It is possible to create an anonymous blog, but there are a few questions you might want to ask yourself before embarking on an anonymous blog journey.

In general, most are anonymous by default unless they are personal in nature and provide readers with personal details and contact information. For example, a business blog should provide readers with everything they would need to get in touch. This makes sense because the blog in question functions as a point of contact, a place to begin a “buyer’s journey.”

But for most situations, only the hosting company has your identification information. What you choose to share on your public blog is up to you. Your blog can be discrete or totally anonymous.

Using Email With Your Anonymous Blog

Do you want your email to be anonymous as well? Most content management systems collect your email address as part of the user creation process. You can use a fake email address, or an anonymous email just as well. However, if the email address is non-functional (such as [email protected]) you will not be able use some of the transactional email-related user features such as password resets.

Nevertheless, even if you choose to use an email address on your blog, the email address itself will be kept secret and not available to anyone who does not have admin access to your site.

Basic Domain Privacy

You can create an anonymous blog without requiring anonymous email. Most domain registrars, including InMotion Hosting, provide basic domain privacy. This means you are not personally identifiable your domain name. So your blog and

Content Managements With Privacy Options

In general, the major content management systems such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla support basic privacy options and security. They can be safely made anonymous at the user level, but they do require an email address for some of the basic user management features.

Write Freely, however, a newer content management system, only requires basic username/password. This means if you forget your password, you will have to change it in the database because you will not have an email on file for recovery. If that works for you, then Write Freely might be the best option.

Marketing and Networking Issues

Likewise, other servives you might sync up with your blog for various purposes might also require email authentication.

Many blogs grab additional readers by putting content on social media. You might start a Facebook group, a Twitter account, or YouTube profile. You might have all of these accounts and sync them with a marketing platform that can syndicate content to each different social media account.

In these case, you will need to have a functioning email account. Services like ProtonMail can provide you with a functional, but anonymous, encrypted email account. But remember, users on these various social media platforms may want to interact with you personally through video conference or some other means. In which case, you have to take your anonymity into account. Is the anonymity worth missing out on possible networking opportunities.

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