Why It’s Important to Keep Your Privacy Policy Updated

Why it's important to keep your privacy policy updated  |  InMotion Hosting

When you think about Privacy Policies, you probably dread the thought of reading through endless amounts of “legalese” that the average human being tries to avoid at all costs.

Oftentimes, these policies are hidden under layers and layers of content on websites. And for many, this is for good reason: businesses are not inclined to incorporate 100-page policies on websites meant to convey an enticing brand for current and potential customers. 

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What is Captain America’s Favorite WordPress Plugin?

What is Captain America’s Favorite WordPress Plugin?

Captain America once said, “Without my WordPress backup plugin, my website would have been taken down by Hydra and I would have lost everything.” I was in just as much shock as you because I didn’t even know Captain America knew what WordPress was. But here he is, talking about how a plugin saved his site from being shut down. And he could not be more right.

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Grammar Rules You Should Break for Website Copywriting

Grammar rules exist so we can express what we have to say with clarity and ease. But the online world has turned those rules upside down.

See what we did there? We started a sentence with a conjunction and used a sentence fragment, all in one shot. And that’s ok! It’s not that grammar doesn’t matter anymore, it’s just that the rules are a little different when you’re writing for the web.
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How to Improve the Bounce Rate on your WordPress website

An Introduction to Bounce Rate

You’ve setup your website and you’re starting to get traffic to your pages. Building a website can be hard work, but you’ve made it this far. Now, how can you get visitors to stay on your website and look over your pages? Have you ever visited a website and after viewing the first page, decided to go back to Google to look for something else? This is called bounce rate. It is the percentage of website visitors who come to your website and leave before visiting another page. Today we want to share a bit more about bounce rate and give you a few steps to help lower your website’s bounce rate. Continue reading –>