What is WordPress Hosting?

If you’re interested in building a website using WordPress or moving your current WordPress site to a more optimized environment, WordPress Hosting is the perfect solution for you. WordPress Hosting is a service offering hosting fully optimized and secure for WordPress. 

With incredible performance and reliability, WordPress Hosting takes care of the technical details of running a website and server. You will not need to configure your server for WordPress as it will already be optimized for WordPress features exclusively. This convenience allows you time to focus on what really matters—running your business. 

Getting started with WordPress hosting is easy. Experience the ease, reliability, and security of our WordPress Hosting. Get back your time today!

Why Use WordPress Hosting?

WordPress websites benefit from exclusively optimized servers, providing improved performance and stability. Server configuration is specifically for WordPress websites, allowing advanced caching to bring faster load times for your website visitors. Each server is kept up-to-date and monitored for the purposes of security, and WordPress updates are made to keep your website secure and functioning properly.

WordPress Hosting also keeps your work safe by providing backups of your website, giving you additional peace of mind. Backups allow you to recover your WordPress site if a disaster occurs, no matter how large or small. Though WordPress hosting costs a bit more than shared hosting, WordPress Hosting users find the extra cost worth it. WordPress Hosting is recommended if:

  • You want to build your website using WordPress.
  • You have a large WordPress website which is resource-intensive.
  • You want to focus on your WordPress content, not the technical details of updates.

Limits Of WordPress Hosting?

When using WordPress Hosting, because the servers are optimized specifically for WordPress,  you will only be allowed to install WordPress sites.

There is also a limit to the number of websites that can be installed on your hosting account, and how much disk space is available for your website(s). However, these restrictions are in place to ensure the performance and speed of the servers specifically configured for WordPress. Allowing you to fully experience the benefits of WordPress Hosting.

Mindful Use of Plugins

WordPress allows for the installation of virtually unlimited plugins to expand the capabilities of your site and customize it for your purposes. However, one should use plugins sparingly, as every plugin adds more functions and processes to your site. These extra processes can increase server load and slow down your site. Some plugins are very small, and provide virtually no extra load; however, some plugins provide a whole suite of tools that can drastically add to the load of your site.

Common WordPress Misconceptions

We recommend WordPress Hosting for all users of WordPress because of the benefits of speed, performance, security, and stability. Whether you’re a novice WordPress user with just one site or an expert developer with many sites, we have a WordPress solution that will meet your needs. For more information on WordPress Hosting, contact us today!

Stormy Scott
Stormy Scott Content Marketing Writer

Stormy is a Content Marketing Writer at InMotion Hosting. Her content focus is WordPress, web design, and help articles for small businesses.

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