Comments on: Changing MX records to point to InMotion servers from third party DNS Web Hosting Support & Tutorials Wed, 27 Oct 2021 20:25:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ameen Mon, 22 Jul 2019 02:21:07 +0000 In reply to Steve.

Hi Steve,
Do you mean it has to be “[email protected]” instead of “mail”?
is this for the MX Servername and at the A Details Record ?

By: Tope Fri, 21 Jun 2019 17:10:54 +0000 In reply to Steve.

This totally saved me from over 15 hours of headache! You completely saved the day with this tip! thank you.The main issue here has been Godaddy’s end which this tip has helped with.Thanks Steve!

By: InMotionFan Fri, 17 May 2019 03:53:07 +0000 In reply to Da Kords.

Yes, you can use ‘mail.&ltmy domain&’ for the MX record, just ensure that the ‘A record‘ for ‘mail.&ltmy domain&’ is pointed to their shared IP.
Thank you,

By: Da Kords Thu, 16 May 2019 19:55:29 +0000 I am actually doing something slightly different, migrating a client from Google Apps back to InMotion Hosting.  They have an inmotionhossting account and had migrated mail over to Google.  They have since decided to migrate back to Inmotion.  What is the correct MX record to use?  Is it simply mail.<my domain>.com?  And are there any other records that I should change?  I’ve deleted all google records (CNAME and MX)

By: Steve Tue, 30 Apr 2019 02:57:40 +0000 For people with a domain at GoDaddy, the instructions above WILL NOT WORK. Instead, your MX record (step 2 of “Setting up with your third party DNS” above) must have a record name of “@” (rather than “). After making that change, my email started flowing. Note further that there is an undocumented “step 3” which is to find your SPF and DKIM records in the cPanel Zone Editor or on the “Authentication” page and manually enter these into your GoDaddy DNS as well.

By: InMotionFan Tue, 19 Feb 2019 02:05:55 +0000 In reply to Erin.

Yes. You could also use [your-cPanel-servername]/webmail.

By: InMotionFan Wed, 07 Feb 2018 21:27:38 +0000 In reply to Rick P.

I recommend contacting the registrar of your domain. They can determine the name servers your domain is pointed to, which is where the MX records are stored. Updating the MX records to point to InMotion Hosting would depend on which name servers/registrar you are using.

You can also use our domain routing tool to determine what name servers your domain is pointed to. Then reach out to the owner of those name servers, they will know where to update the MX records in their system, for your domain.

By: Rick P Wed, 07 Feb 2018 01:36:29 +0000 I currently use Gmail for business and wanted to investigate switching all my mail over to InMotion to host our mail.   Currently our MX records point to Google DNS servers (I think that is explaining it correctly) but don’t know where to change this or what to change it to.

By: Peter Sun, 02 Apr 2017 17:39:22 +0000 Has anyone done this successfully with SquareSpace? I moved my site to SquareSpace and have since lost all ability to send/receive mail. When adding custom mail records at SquareSpace, the column names are: HOST  /  RECORD  /  PRIORITY  /  DATA.

I have added two records (where the content below matches the column names above):

mail  /  A  /  n/a  /  ip address  /  MX  / 0  /  ip address

I’m trying to work out what records I need to add to point my mail to InMotion but none of the advice I’m getting is helping.

Can someone please help. It’s driving me nuts.

By: InMotionFan Sat, 11 Feb 2017 00:12:09 +0000 In reply to Frank Swobodzien.

Frank, in this sort of instance it is recommend that you set your MX records to point to mail.youdomaingoeshere.whatever, and then point the sub-domain mail.yourdomaingoeshere.whatever to the IP for your account with us. Please keep in mind that these changes, as with all DNS changes, may take up to 4 – 24 hours to take effect.
