Team Member Profile: Shea Rodrigue

sheaHometown: Houma, Louisiana
Position: Marketing Specialist
Been with InMotion Hosting since: 2012

How did you get started in the web hosting field?
It was a potent combination of curiosity and necessity. Many years ago a friend, and business owner with old-school values and processes, brought up the need to bring their business into the digital age and begin creating an internet presence by selling her clothing from a website. I had taken a class on basic HTML and one on eCommerce prior to that, which doesn’t really mean anything, but my ego was large enough to convince both of us that I could make that happen. And I did. I began lots of research on web design, eCommerce, website builders, and ultimately web hosting. I launched my first eCommerce site and haven’t looked back since.

What is your current role at InMotion Hosting? What do you like most about it?
Marketing Specialist. I like that I have input on the vision for the company and it’s products and ensuring our message and services are clear to our customers.

Coolest gadget you own, want to own or have read about?
I probably have a whole list of “want to own” gadgets. But Push 2 is an amazing audio workstation. And I really want to try PlayStation VR when it’s available.

What would you like to tell us about yourself?
My first passion is music. Not just curating but playing and creating as well. It started in high school: I learned about FruityLoops Studio, arranged a ton of MIDI notes and vocals, copied my tunes onto some CD-R’s and began selling them at $5 a pop out of my lunchbox. I am picking up a new instrument to learn how to play this week, the hammered dulcimer.

Describe your personality in one word?

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